Worship Service
To access past worship services on Yoube follow this link:
First Presbyterian Church of Harborcreek Worship Services (click on “live”) and Music Videos
We express ourselves as a family as we worship God. We think of ourselves as traditional, but not boring. We’re a smallish church whose members worship a big God.
Our worship is carefully crafted in the Reform tradition, which offers reverent and thoughtful praise to God. Worship includes a robed choir and a pipe organ accompanying our singing.
Sometimes we joke that we’re part of the “frozen chosen” tradition, yet, outside of worship, we offer drive-thru ashes for Ash Wednesday, and a Wine and the Word book club.
Our services follow the four-part worship that has probably been in use in some form since this congregation first gathered in 1832.
Gathering to Worship – Bell call, prelude, welcome and announcements, choral call to worship, hymn, children’s’ message, unison prayer of confession.
Hearing God’s Word – anthem, Scripture readings, sermon.
Responding to the Word – Hymn, creed, joys and concerns, pastoral prayer, Lord’s Prayer, offering, Doxology.
Going into the World – Hymn, benediction and choral benediction, passing the peace, postlude.
Holy Communion is typically celebrated on the first Sunday of each month, with added celebrations on Christmas Eve and Maundy Thursday. All are welcome.
Visitors will find a warm, friendly, atmosphere with members always happy to welcome new people without overwhelming them.
Music is an essential part of our worship at Harborcreek Presbyterian. We are blessed with musicians who truly enjoy making “a joyful noise unto the Lord.” They are dedicated to sharing their gifts in worship and have a lot of fun, too. During the summer months the choirs take a break; however, we are blessed with special music each week by guest musicians
Chancel Choir
Our Chancel Choir sings on most Sundays from September through early June. They present Special music on Easter Sunday (usually a cantata), on Music Appreciation Sunday (in late May or early June), and on the Sunday before Christmas (again, most often a cantata). The choir also sings at special services, such as Holy Week services, Christmas Eve, and a combined ecumenical service on the Sunday before Thanksgiving.
Rehearsals are held in the sanctuary on Wednesdays from 6 to 7 p.m.
Handbell Choir
The Handbell Choir provides music on various Sundays throughout the year, generally about once a month. They also play for special services, most notably Easter Sunday, Music Appreciation Sunday and Christmas Eve.
Rehearsals are held immediately following Chancel Choir rehearsals, on Wednesdays from 7 to 8 p.m. Several of our musicians are members of both groups!
Our music director is Christine Thomas. Feel free to contact her if you are interested in joining either or both of the choirs. Our organists and pianists are Joyce Kriner, Linda DeAngelo, Nancy McNally and Marnie Logan.
…We continue Christ’s ministry in the world by nurturing the faith of persons of all ages through worship, warm fellowship and Christian Education…